Zapraszamy osoby chętne do składania wniosków na 12 stanowisk doktoranckich MSCA Unite!Energy (MSCA - Doctoral Network), w ramach sojuszu Unite.
Termin składania wniosków upływa 6 czerwca 2024 r. (nabór na stanowiska DC6 i DC7 kończy się 31 maja).
Szczegółowe informacje poniżej.
For specific information about each position please write to:
To apply, you should follow the process described in each job offer, published on EURAXESS:
DC1 - Doctoral student in Carbon nanomaterials with encapsulated metal nanoparticles as electrocatalysts for water splitting
DC2 - Doctoral student in catalyst layer optimisation for reducing noble metal contents in PEMECs
DC3 - Doctoral student in Proton ceramic cells (PCC) stacks for ultra-pure hydrogen production
DC4 - Doctoral student in Photoelectrocatalytic materials prepared by mechanochemical methods as photoelectrodes for hydrogen production
DC5 - Doctoral student in Optimisation of FeNC catalysts for fuel cel applications
DC6 - Doctoral student in Use of natural wood and biobased polymers as base materials for the elaboration of fuel cells components by additive manufacturing
DC7 - Doctoral student in development of novel catalysts for hydrogen fuelled alkaline membrane fuel cells
DC8 - Doctoral student in Design and optimisation of converter-fed electrolyser systems
DC9 - Doctoral student in Green H2-electrolyser based industrial systems for supporting future power systems
DC10 - Doctoral student in Physics-informed artificial intelligence for assessing and designing safe materials for hydrogen storage
DC11 - Doctoral student in Ensuring hydrogen safety operation through high performance computing and high-fidelity modelling
DC12 - Doctoral student in A sustainable path towards the innovative deployment of low-carbon H2 technology